School News

PSA Impact In School

The PSA is a registered charity (number 280076) and its objectives are to advance the education of pupils of Ightham Primary School and assist the provision of facilities for education at the school not normally provided by the Local Authority.  Over the past years there has been a drop in the amount of funding allocated by the Local Authority and this means that the PSA is now one of the major contributors to school funds. Going into the academic year starting September 2018, the PSA had approx £12,000 ready to help the school where needed.

We endeavour to spend monies raised by the PSA in ways that impact as many pupils as possible. In the last year, we’ve continued to financially support our Forest School, paid for IPads for each classroom, added significant EYFS equipment, bought educational outdoor signs for KS2, completely funded Science Week, added a significant amount of reading books & dictionaries as well as handed out the annual £300 per Class Teacher to spend on enhancing their learning environment.

Other than this clearly significant financial impact the PSA has in the school, there are numerous other benefits to be noted.  The strength and support of the PSA is a reflection of the school community spirit. 

Events and projects serve to enhance and reinforce this spirit and help to engage new school members and the wider community.  This years Summer Fair really brought the Ightham community together with help from the Church, local businesses and our Parish Council.  Please keep up to date with all our Fundraising efforts via the PSA Gazette that comes out once a month.

Gill Armstrong – September 2019

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