Welcome to Friends of Ightham School...

Registered Charity Number -1192718

Trustees - Mr M Keenor (Chair), Mr D Sherhod, Mrs P Freeman, Mrs C Pullinger (Treasurer), Mrs A Hudson, Mr C Read


Ightham School has established an enviable reputation, both academic and sporting. The recent OFSTED inspection concluded that we fully met the OUTSTANDING criteria in every key aspect of the school’s activities.

The challenge now is to maintain this top rating by ensuring that standards are kept high and we continue to run a school which delivers, is in high demand and plays a full part in the wider Ightham community.

We have recently set up Friends of Ightham School (FOIS) as a new charity to support and enable improvements for the benefit of pupils and staff in the wider community.

However, there is one area which concerns us and which has led to the formation of FOIS, namely:-

During the financial crisis some ten years ago, our capital allowance was cut from £30,000 to £6,000 per annum. At the time we thought that would be a temporary measure but this figure has stayed at £6,000 ever since. You can see clearly how much this adds up to over a ten year period!

It’s not only the school’s infrastructure which needs attention – from roof repairs to making best use of our school space to what happens if our ancient boiler fails. It’s also about the need for specialist staff, a Family Liaison Officer to support pupils’ welfare for example, who would broaden our educational offering in the community.

Against this background the Friends of Ightham School are setting an ambitious target to raise £100,000 over the next 3 to 5 years as a Development Fund, starting right now.

We need you to help us achieve this. Initially we are seeking financial support so that we can begin to contribute to the school sooner rather than later. We know we have many potential supporters in the shape of former parents, students, friends and the community who will be prepared to work with us. Where are you and would you be willing to help?

As Friends, we are keen to emphasise that we want to avoid any possible conflict of interest with our excellent PSA with whom we look forward to working alongside.

Become a Friend and find out how you can help.

Hugh Stirk (Ex-Chair) on behalf of the trustees of the Friends of Ightham School

Ightham Primary Outstanding

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