New Entrants - September 2025
The remaining dates for visits to our school for parents of children entering Reception in September 2025 are as follows:
Thursday 28th November, 9.30am
If you wish to visit, you must sign up using the e-form below:
Information on Primary School Applications
Ightham Primary School admits pupils full time in the September for pupils whose birthdays fall between September and December. Those whose birthdays fall between January and August are admitted full time in September if their parents wish or parental requests to defer entry until the start of the Spring term will be granted. However, parental requests to defer entry until the following year will not be guaranteed a place at the school. We do not hold open places where the school is oversubscribed.
Where the number of applications exceeds our pupil admission number (30) places will be allocated in the following priority order, following the LA Admissions Policy:
- Children in the care of Kent County Council
- Where the child has a sibling attending Ightham Primary School at the time of entry (where the family continues to live at the same address as when the sibling was admitted or has moved to a new property within two miles (via the shortest available walking route) of the school).
- Where there are medical grounds (supported by a doctor) for admitting the child and where the school has adequate facilities to support access of need.
- Proximity of the child’s home is measured in a straight line (as the crow flies) to the School.
- When we wish to admit more pupils than the standard number we will seek the agreement of the LA Admissions Authority.
The Governing Body has established the following arrangements for appeals against non admission:
- A written application to the Area Education Officer of the LA if unsuccessful.
- A final stage of appeal to an Independent Statutory Appeal Committee.
Click the link below for further information on primary school places:
Pupil Spaces
Ightham Primary School is able to take a maximum of 210 pupils. Within each year group, we accept a maximum of thirty children. If you are interested in a place for your child(ren), please don't hesitate to contact the school office and ask for a tour of the school with the Head Teacher. Should you wish to apply for a place at Ightham Primary School, you would need to submit a Casual In-Year Admission Form directly to the school.
If there is not currently a place available, but you would like your child to attend Ightham Primary School, you should submit your In-Year Casual Admission Form to the School Office and your child will be placed on the waiting list.
The Local Authority (KCC) decides on admissions to Reception so parents should direct further questions about our admissions arrangements to the KCC Admissions team:
Email Kent Admissions
New Entrants - September 2025
The dates for visits to our school for parents of children entering Reception in September 2025 are as follows:
Monday 11th November, 2pm
Wednesday 20th November, 2pm
Thursday 28th November, 9.30am
If you wish to visit, you must sign up using the e-form below:
Ightham Primary School admits pupils full time in the September for pupils whose birthdays fall between September and December. Those whose birthdays fall between January and August are admitted full time in September if their parents wish or parental requests to defer entry until the start of the Spring term will be granted. However, parental requests to defer entry until the following year will not be guaranteed a place at the school. We do not hold open places where the school is oversubscribed.
Where the number of applications exceeds our pupil admission number (30) places will be allocated in the following priority order, following the LA Admissions Policy:
- Children in the care of Kent County Council
- Where the child has a sibling attending Ightham Primary School at the time of entry (where the family continues to live at the same address as when the sibling was admitted or has moved to a new property within two miles (via the shortest available walking route) of the school).
- Where there are medical grounds (supported by a doctor) for admitting the child and where the school has adequate facilities to support access of need.
- Proximity of the child’s home is measured in a straight line (as the crow flies) to the School.
- When we wish to admit more pupils than the standard number we will seek the agreement of the LA Admissions Authority.
The Governing Body has established the following arrangements for appeals against non admission:
- A written application to the Area Education Officer of the LA if unsuccessful.
- A final stage of appeal to an Independent Statutory Appeal Committee.
Click the link below for further information on primary school places:
Casual In-Year Admissions Form
Use the form above for all applications for admission to the school other than new entrants to our reception class for the next academic year in September. The form should be given to our office staff in the first instance. Where the year group is full, you will be given the option of placing your child on the waiting list for a place. Our oversubscription criteria is as above.
This does NOT apply to new entrants into our Reception (EYFS) class as this is carried out through a different system which is run by KCC and not the school.
Pupil Spaces
Ightham Primary School is able to take a maximum of 210 pupils. Within each year group, we accept a maximum of thirty children. If you are interested in a place for your child(ren), please don't hesitate to contact the school office and ask for a tour of the school with the Head Teacher. Should you wish to apply for a place at Ightham Primary School, you would need to submit a Casual In-Year Admission Form directly to the school.
If there is not currently a place available, but you would like your child to attend Ightham Primary School, you should submit your In-Year Casual Admission Form to the School Office and your child will be placed on the waiting list.
The Local Authority (KCC) decides on admissions to Reception so parents should direct further questions about our admissions arrangements to the KCC Admissions team:
Email Kent Admissions