EYFS Curriculum Information for Parents
EYFS Curriculum
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is guided by a curriculum document called 'Development Matters'. This sets out the learning, development and assessment requirements for all children until the end of their Reception year, when the Early Learning Goals are used to make final assessments. The 17 Early Learning Goals state what a child is 'expected' to be able to do by the end of the EYFS in each of the 7 areas of the curriculum. In September 2021, the EYFS curriculum was reformed, so if you have had a child who has been in reception in recent years, things may look slightly different. Whilst the Early Learning Goals may differ in some ways, the way your child learns and develops remains the same; with play and wellbeing at the heart of everything we do.
EYFS Curriculum
We carefully design our curriculum so that it offers exciting and inspiring opportunties for all children to learn and develop. Our curriculum overview for this year can be found below. Please be aware that this may change to reflect the children's interests and needs.
Supporting your child to be 'school ready'
Your child's first year in school is the year in which we prepare your child holistically for their journey through their education. Whilst reading, writing and maths are all important, it is equally important that your child is physically, socially and emotionally ready to learn. Below you can find some helpful documents to support your child throughout their Reception year of school.
The 'Preparing your child for school guide' is a fantastic guide to support you and your child in getting ready to start big school!