
Hello and a big welcome from all the staff and children at Ightham Primary School! This is our Oak Class webpage where all important information regarding the class such as routines, upcoming activities/events and home support can be found. Please speak to Mr White if you have any questions.

year 6 oak tree


Mr White

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Parkinson and Mrs Gray

Oak Class Information

Useful Information

Contact Books

Are an important link between home and school. Please sign/initial daily. Homework and letters will be clipped inside (please do not remove the clips.) Signed daily by staff

Uniform and belongings

Please label EVERYTHING! Smart uniform is required everyday. Wellingtons are needed for wet weather and Forest School. Long hair must be tied up. During term time, P.E. kit should be in school everyday. No nail polish. If applicable – earrings, one set of plain studs (children must be able to remove their own earrings for PE lessons otherwise they cannot do PE).

Forest School

Need long sleeves to cover arms, long trousers to cover legs and wellies. We will go out in any weather.


Fruit / vegetables snacks can be brought in for break times in labelled bags/boxes please.

Milk can be ordered through http://www.coolmilk.com 

If you have any questions or concerns please write a note in the home-school contact book or contact the School Office via telephone or email. Thank you.

Weekly Timetable

The weekly timetable is displayed in the classroom.

Forest School

Your child will need long sleeves to cover arms, long trousers to cover legs and wellies. We will go out in any weather.




  • Significant battles and wars since 1066
  • Historical Timelines


  • Map skills
  • A study of human and physical geography of a region of the United Kingdom, a region in a European country and a region within North or South America.


  • Living Things and their habitats
  • Evolution and inheritance
  • Light
  • Electricity
  • Animals including humans

Throughout the year, formative assessments are carried out and each child’s progress is assessed against age-related expectations. Your child will therefore be in one of four broad bands for Reading, Writing and Maths:

  • Below Age-Related Expectations
  • Emerging
  • Expected
  • Exceeding

The expectation is that your child would be in the “Emerging” band at the start of the school year. This is because the curriculum for that year would not yet have been taught to your child. By the end of the school year, the expectation would be that your child would be in the “Expected” band. “Expected” means that your child is working at the expected level for a child of that age.


Homework will be sent home via the Home-School Contact book.

20 minutes reading with an adult every day

Set every Monday
5 minutes daily

Set on Friday
To be completed by the following Friday
30 minutes

Times Tables Test
5 minutes practice every day
Tested every week

If you have any questions or concerns please write a note in the home-school contact book, or contact the School Office via telephone or email. Thank you.

Oak Class Presentations

Oak Class Parent Presentation.

KS2 SATs Assessment Workshop

Oak Class Gallery

Our Class Pages


Early Years – Acorn Class

Pine Class Tree feature

Year 1 – Pine Class

Chestnut Class Tree

Year 2 – Chestnut Class

year 3 willow tree

Year 3 – Willow Class

year 4 elm tree

Year 4 – Elm Class

beech Class Tree feature

Year 5 – Beech Class

year 6 oak tree

Year 6 – Oak Class