
Hello and a big welcome from all the staff and children at Ightham Primary School! This is our Chestnut Class webpage where all important information regarding the class such as routines, upcoming activities/events and home support can be found. Please speak to Mrs Ball if you have any questions.

Chestnut Class Tree


Mrs Ball

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Gibbins

Chestnut Class Information

Useful Information

Home-school contact books

Please sign / initial daily
Homework will be clipped inside (please do not remove the clips)

Please make a note in the book if your child is attending a club, going home with someone else or being collected by a different adult

Please send all letters/money in clearly labelled envelopes

Uniform and belongings

Please make sure all items of your child’s uniform, PE kit, coats, shoes, book bags and water bottles are clearly labelled.

Please ensure your child has a waterproof coat in school every day.

PE kit should include: shorts, t-shirt, tracksuit bottoms and top, trainers / plimsolls and socks.

Reading books

Your child is responsible for changing his / her book on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Please use your child's reading diary to note down which page your child has read to and any difficulties/strengths.

Library visits will take place fortnightly on a Friday afternoon.

If you have any questions or concerns please write a note in the home-school contact book or contact the school office via telephone or email. Thank you.


The termly timetable will be displayed in the classroom.


Chestnut Class will be swimming in Terms 5 and 6.

Our PE days will vary from term to term. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school every day during term time.

Drop In
Parents can drop in on Wednesday 3.25 – 3.40pm, this is chance for your child to share their work with you.


History and Geography:

  • London’s Burning (The Great Fire of London)
  • Wonderful Ightham
  • Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!


  • Living things and their habitats
  • Everyday materials
  • Animals including humans
  • Plants


Snacks and Cool Milk
  • Children are provided with fruit in the morning
  • Please let me know if there are certain fruits your child doesn’t eat
  • Milk can be ordered using this link: www.coolmilk.com
  • Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school every day

Homework will be on a sticker or clipped into Home-School Contact books.

10 minutes reading with an adult every day

Set every Monday
How long - 5 minutes daily

Counting in 2’s, 3's, 5’s and 10’s
Set every day
How long - 5 minutes daily

Set Friday
Due in the following Friday
How long - 20 minutes in total

Chestnut Class Presentations

Chestnut Class Parent Presentation.


2023 KEY STAGE 1 National Curriculum Teacher Assessment

Chestnut Class Gallery

Our Class Pages


Early Years – Acorn Class

Pine Class Tree feature

Year 1 – Pine Class

Chestnut Class Tree

Year 2 – Chestnut Class

year 3 willow tree

Year 3 – Willow Class

year 4 elm tree

Year 4 – Elm Class

beech Class Tree feature

Year 5 – Beech Class

year 6 oak tree

Year 6 – Oak Class