Hello and a big welcome from all the staff and children at Ightham Primary School! This is our Pine Class webpage where all important information regarding the class such as routines, upcoming activities/events and home support can be found. Please speak to Mrs Godbold or Mrs Davis if you have any questions.
Mrs Godbold (Mon-Thurs) and Mrs Davis (Fri)
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Davies-O'Malley
Pine Class Information
Reading Books
Your child will have a new decodable book and a sharing book each week. Please use the Superstar Reading Diary to note down when you read with your child and any difficulties they had.
Contact Books
Please sign/initial daily. Letters and other important information to go home will be clipped inside (please do not remove the clips.) Please make a note if your child is attending a club; going home with someone else or being collected by a different adult. Please send all letters/money in clearly labelled envelopes.
Uniform and belongings
Make sure all uniform and PE kit is clearly labelled. Please ensure they have a waterproof coat in school every day. PE kit should include: shorts, t-shirt, tracksuit bottoms and top, trainers/plimsolls and socks.
PE kit should be worn into school on our PE days. PE in Term 3 is on Tuesday and Thursday.
Pine Class will swim in Terms 5 and 6.
A snack will be provided every day. Milk can be ordered through http://www.coolmilk.com
Drop in
This is on a Thursday after school and is a chance for your child to share their work with you.
The weekly timetable is displayed in the classroom.
PE Term 3 Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
Swimming Terms 5 and 6.
- Food Glorious Food
- Toy Story
- Ready, Steady, Go
- Animals including Humans
- Everyday Materials
- Plants
- Seasons
The children have daily phonics lessons and they will be assessed every term. These assessments help us to cater for your child’s need, giving them extra provision if necessary.
Your child's reading book links to the sounds we have been learning each week.
We will include the sounds we have been learning in our weekly newsletter.
Reading books
Please use the Superstar Reading book to note down which page your child has read to and any difficulties.
They will bring home one book linked to our phonics lessons and one book for you to share with your child each week.
10 minutes reading with an adult everyday.
15 minutes use Numbots across the week.
15 minutes use of Edshed spellings across the week.
1 task set weekly linked to the in class learning.