Hello and a big welcome from all the staff and children at Ightham Primary School! This is our Acorn Class webpage where all important information regarding the class timetable, routines, upcoming activities/events and home support can be found. Please speak to Mrs Black or Mrs Weller if you have any questions.

Mrs Black (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Weller (Thurs-Fri)
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Bennett
Acorn Class Information
The Acorn Class timetable changes frequently to reflect children's interests and needs. Important activities to remember throughout the week:
Forest School - (Term 2 onwards) Tuesday AM - Every Tuesday morning, Mrs Gray will lead Forest School. Please make sure your child is dressed in the correct Forest School clothes (school polo top, burgundy jogging bottoms, school jumper/cardigan) and comes to school with a suitable coat and outdoor clothes for the weather and time of year.
PE - Term 1 -Tuesday PM - Please make sure your child comes to school dressed in the correct PE uniform (polo top, shorts/jogging bottoms, trainers). Please can trainers have velcro and not laces as we encourage the children to be as independent as possible at school. Thank you.
This term our topic will be 'Colour'. The curriculum newsletter, found in the document list, shows which areas of the EYFS curriculum we will be focusing on in our learning this term. The activities we complete each week will also follow the children's interests.
Friday is show and tell day in Acorn Class. To make sure every child has a chance to talk about their special items, we run show and tell by rota. Please find a copy of this term's rota in the document list below.
Every Friday a class newsletter is sent home via email. This gives you an overview of what we have been learning throughout the past week and tells you about anything you may need to know for next week.
Homework is set on a Friday is to be returned by the following Wednesday. Home learning challenges are set within our weekly newsletter.
Reading - Reading at home is very important to your child's reading development. Please try to listen to your child read everyday for around 5/10 minutes. Please write a short comment every time you hear your child read in the blue reading record book.
In addition to the phonics book sent home weekly, your child will also take home a sharing book. We encourage you to read this to your child and use the comprehension prompt card to ask questions before/during/after reading to support important comprehension skills.
Your child will read to an adult once a week at least on their set reading day but may also read on other days. Please make sure reading books are in your child's book bag every day.
Reading books are changed every Friday.